My Approach
I consider myself my customers’ “assistant director” and good-choice support!
With quite a sense of humor, a light heart and, of course,
a scientific approach I offer a protected environment
in which I support supposedly settled people to see
clearly in terms of who they are, what they want, what is of value to them and
how all that fits their current position in life.
And I assist them in making potential adjustments.
Understand. Act.

I work with science-based tools and latest findings from motivational psychology and neurobiology, with a big sense of humor and maximum practical impact.
For example with:
Zürcher Ressourcen Modell «ZRM®»
- a self-management training
- developed by Dr. Frank Krause and Dr. Maja Storch at Zurich University
- is continuously researched in terms of its sustainable effectiveness
- is based on the latest neuroscientific findings on human learning and action
- systematically includes cognitive, emotive and physiological elements in development processes
LINC Personality Profiler «LPP®»
- psychometric tools that creates a holistic and very differentiated profile of character traits, motives and skills
- developed by Prof. Dr. Martin Puppatz and Dr. Ronald Franke at LINC Institute(a spin-off of Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany)
- based on the BIG 5 model, THE standard model of modern personality psychology
- online questionnaire, digital reports